Saturday, March 06, 2010

A week ago

I'm a reallly Early bird's pattern person in these dasy.
It isn't  my's own will that just another person's will perhaps! but I'm okay-
I gave hands someone(just my sister)'s attending school at the morning
I ate breakfast watching the news on TV at early in the morning,
I couldn't get morning sleeping, bcuz I think about that will go to the library at noon
so I took a hot shower,
turn on the computer and did some websrfing this and that, checking some suff,
I hesitated that I'll watching "Walking to the world" (That's my facorite TV show, so interesting. it's sort of traveling program in the world, little bit a documentary!)
Oh, I wrote a e-mail to Amy(she's my good friend and sister now she's lived in the Australia with her husband) in English.
now I am

Really time is gone so fast just extreme speed
Already, time in the pic(it's my cellphone) is last on Saturday, also last month(February)!
now March!! 

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